Plants inside of beakers in a lab
Sample Post

Founded in 1993, the mission of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment. Our team of scientists, engineers, policy experts, lawyers and computer programmers pores over government data, legal documents, scientific studies and our own laboratory tests to expose threats to your health and the environment, and to find solutions.

SCUBA diver swimming through dying reef
Environmental Defense Fund

Environmental Defense Fund's mission is to preserve the natural systems on which all life depends. What distinguishes EDF from others is the combination of what we protect and how we protect it. We work to solve the most critical environmental problems facing the planet, focusing on mitigating climate change, restoring the ocean's bounty, protecting wildlife and their habitats, and safeguarding our health.

Wind turbines on open land
Environmental and Energy Study Institute

EESI is dedicated to promoting environmentally sustainable societies. EESI advances innovative policy solutions that set us on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path. Transforming energy infrastructures, transportation systems, land use management practices, and community designs creates new opportunities for American entrepreneurs and creates good jobs.

Dad playing with children on a beach
Human Rights Initiative

Human Rights Initiative of North Texas provides legal and support services to refugees and immigrants who have suffered human rights abuses. Our clients include victims of human rights abuses seeking asylum in the United States, victims of human trafficking, victims of spousal or child abuse, immigrant children who flee from violence and travel to the U.S. alone, or immigrant children that have been abused, abandoned or neglected by their parents in the U.S.

Tabletop globe
Human Rights Foundation

The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) is a nonpartisan organization that promotes and protects human rights globally, with an expertise in the Americas. HRF unites people in the common cause of defending human rights and promoting liberal democracy. Our mission is to ensure that freedom is both preserved and promoted around the world. We seek, in particular, to sustain the struggle for liberty in those areas where it is under threat.

Doctor pushing a cart through a hospital
Physicians for Human Rights

PHR was founded in 1986 on the idea that health professionals, with their specialized skills, ethical duties, and credible voices, are uniquely positioned to stop human rights violations. Today, our expertise is sought by the United Nations, international courts, and regional groups like the African Union and the European Union. We are supported by the expertise and passion of health professionals and concerned citizens alike.

A group of people putting their hands together in a circle

They say it can’t be done. But we know Americans can do anything. Even end this epidemic of gun violence. For we are more powerful than any problem when we work as one. Now is the time to unite people, from coast to coast, young and old, liberal and conservative, fed up and fired up, and free our country from what is killing it. It’s in our hands.

A group of people talking and dancing
Everytown for Gun Safety

Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities. Gun violence touches every town in America. For too long, change has been thwarted by the Washington gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives.

A group of people putting giant puzzle pieces together
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement, and effective policy advocacy. We are countering the gun lobby through innovative policy development and aggressive advocacy. Our commitment to addressing gun violence in all its forms and advocating for at-risk individuals sets us apart.